CAS No.: 108-83-8
Alias: Diisobutyl ketone~Isovalerone; Dimethylheptanone; Diisobutyl ketone; 2,6-Dimethyl-4-heptanone, remainder mainly 4,6-dimethyl-2-heptanone; 2,6-dimethylheptan-4-one; diisopropylacetone; isobutyl ketone; Isovalerone; s-diisopropylacetone; sym-diisopropyl acetone; DiisobutylKetone; DIBK; 4-methyl-3-(propan-2-yl)pentan-2-one
Molecular formula: C9H18O
EINECS No.: 203-620-1
Performance and property
Appearance: colorless transparent oily liquid
Boiling point ℃: 168
Density25℃, g/cm3: 0.8053
Flashing point ℃: 48
Main uses:
It is main organic solvent for cellulose, resin, wax and cellulose; and it is intermediate of some drugs and pesticide.
The GB/T325 standard of steeldrum packing, net weight is 165KG, according to customer' s requirements